Coach Mack Brown Demands Major Changes In College Football Before 2025

Coach Mack Brown Demands Major Changes In College Football Before 2025

Coach Mack Brown Demands Major Changes In College Football Before 2025

Coach Mack Brown Demands Major Changes In College Football Before 2025

Football Coach Mark Brown demands major changes in College Football from salary cap to athletes becoming employees and a lot of money for all the college sports players before 2025.

Legendary UNC head coach Mack Brown spends more than 50 years of a career in football coaching. Over these years Mark went through a lot of changes to games and their rules. The legend has seen it all ups and down happened in North Carolina College Games.

The Coach appears on the Paul Finebaum Show and expects major changes in Collge Football as well spoke for other sports, to happen in the upcoming two years.

Brown said, “So I think we’re going to see major changes over the next two years. I think we’ll see student student-athletes becoming employees of universities. I think we’ll more of a salary cap. Athletes will start getting the same amount of money. Whether the collective goes back inside the university, because then it gets under some Title IX jurisdiction or stays out, who knows,”

Brown questioned the Boosters, are they ready to provide money for all 28 sports at North Carolina?

“But I do feel like right now, we’re not being fair to our alums. Because our biggest boosters are getting asked for season tickets, they’re getting asked about facilities, they’re getting asked to pay for coaches and coaches buyouts are way too high. It’s unbelievable,”

He asked, “But now we’re asking them — we’ve got 28 sports at North Carolina. We’re asking them for money for all 28 sports, to be in a collective, and so we’re just unfair.”

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