Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

Brittney Griner is back home, safe and sound. That is of the greatest importance. Period.

In the meantime, Is it time for her to reflect on the future? What is the next step for the seven-time All-Star? Will she be able to tie up her laces again? Will she ever lace up a pair of sneakers again? After gruesome ten months in Russian captivity, will Griner be able to get back to reality?

Road to Recovery

Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

According to CNN, after her release, Griner was given all medical facilities. She was taken to Brooke Army Medical Centre in San Antonio, Texas. Nonetheless, a medical test can no way near explain the dire state of the survivors. Multiple other detainees were showing the difficulty faced while getting back to normal.

Jessica Buchanon, a survivor of the Somali Pirates kidnapping of 2011 tells ESPN:

“Brittney will find this. She will come out of this. She’s already proven so much about herself and her life and what she’s capable of. She’s going to add this to her repertoire of badass moments.”

Back on the court

Brittney Griner is back on the court but still a long way to go before normal

Returning to the court is much different from actually coming back to play. According to reports, back at the medical facility, Griner has successfully had her first basketball practice session. To our surprise, Griner who was known for her finishing kicked off the training session with a dunk.

In the meanwhile, her agent Lindsay Kagawa Colas brought us all back to reality. She said that Griner is yet to make up her mind on whether she wants to continue playing or hang up her boots. However, she also said that Griner would be releasing a statement soon.

There is no doubt that all eyes will be on Griner and her public statement. No matter what, at the end of the day, she will still be an incredible athlete and an important part of the game. More than that, a lovely human being, and the fans will be happy to see her getting back on her feet.

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