‘Bigot’ Call from Sam Ponder For Comment On Women’s Sports

‘Bigot’ Call from Sam Ponder For Comment On Women’s Sports

‘Bigot’ Call from Sam Ponder For Comment On Women’s Sports

‘Bigot’ Call from Sam Ponder For Comment On Women’s Sports

Sam Ponder’s recent comment about the state of women’s sports and the involvement of transgender athletes has undeniably caused significant distress among certain individuals affiliated with ESPN.

In her defense of Title IX, Sam Ponder faced criticism from Nancy Armour, a columnist for USA Today, who expressed dissatisfaction with Ponder’s emphasis on transgender athletes instead of addressing a myriad of other extensively debated issues.

‘Bigot’ Call from Sam Ponder For Comment On Women’s Sports

“Don’t be fooled by the people who screech about “fairness” to cloak their bigotry toward transgender girls and women, the transgender girls and women who have the audacity to want to play sports, in particular,” Armour wrote. “This is, and always was, about hate, fear and ignorance.

By leveraging Ponder’s previous tweets and the tweets she endorsed through liking, Armour put forth the argument that there is a prevailing bias against transgender women that extends beyond their participation in sports.

“Did Ponder use her platform to express outrage at any of this? Urge her nearly half-million followers on Twitter to write or call their representatives and ask that women be given the funding and opportunities they rightfully deserve? Did she publicly participate in any of the many excellent documentaries, videos and commentary ESPN did to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Title IX last year? Or even Tweet about them?”

“No, she did not. Her public concern about “fairness” for female athletes starts and stops with the miniscule number of transgender women who are participating in sports.”

The substantial number of likes, retweets, and comments serve as evidence that Armour’s condemnation of Ponder’s “bigotry” has garnered significant backing, even though numerous fans have expressed admiration for Ponder’s perspective.

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