BGMI Grand Slam 2022 Final (Day 1): Everything to Know About Skyesports BGMI Grand Slam Final, Day 1st

The Grand Slam 2022 Finals have finally begun and today was the 1st play match where the teams fought against each other with all they had. The teams are going to fight against each other from all over India. The first day of Battle Ground Mobile India Grand Slam 2022 finals has taken place and will there be till 16th February 2022.
Skyesports Grand Slam Final Standings Day 1:

Since the 1st day of Skesports BGMI Grand Finals 2022 has taken place Celsius Esports has cemented its feet on the top with 39 Frags and 89 Total Points followed by the Team XO who has secured the 2nd position by killing 29 of his enemies with a total of 67 points.
Teams like the Mayavi and the Velocity Gaming have placed in the last with 15 and 10 total frags and 23 and 19 total points respectively.
The 1st match was successfully won by Celsius Esports along with Team Entity and Chemin Esports collecting 6 and 8 kills respectively.
The 2nd match was won by Skylightz Gaming by killing 11 enemies followed by TSM and Celsius Esports claiming the 2nd and 3rd positions.
Continuing with the 3rd match, Celsius Esports again won the match by securing 5 Frags followed by Chemin Esports and Team 8Bit.

While the 4th match was won by Orangutan Gaming by securing 13 kills and was followed by Team Soul and Entity.
The 5th match was an interesting one in which all of sudden 7Sea Esports claimed it with 14 kills. Teams like the 8Bit and Team Forever were then standing on 2nd and 3rd respectively.
The last and final 6th match was finally claimed by Team XO to its name, followed by Enigma Gaming who managed to come on 2nd by killing 12 of his enemies.
The overall standing of all the Teams is as follows:
- Celsius Esports
- Team XO
- Team Nugget
- Skylightz Gaming
- Orangutan Gaming
- Team 8BIT
- 7SEA Esports
- Team Forever
- Enigma Gaming
- Chemin Esports
- Team Entity
- Team Soul
- Godlike Esports
- Team Mayavi
- Velocity Gaming.
Top Fraggers of Grand Slam 2022 Finals, Day 1st:
- Chemin Esports (DeltaPG)- 10 kills
- Team Nugget (Anujtoop)- 10 kills
- Team XO (Punk)- 10 kills
- 7Sea (Sarang)- 10 kills
- Celsius Esports (DreamS)- 10 kills
BGMI Grand Slam 2022 Final (Day 1): Everything to Know About Skyesports BGMI Grand Slam Final, Day 1st.