Best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring: Guide to Locations and How to Obtain Them

Elden Ring, the highly anticipated game from the creators of Dark Souls and Bloodborne features a wide range of weapons, including the powerful Colossal Swords. These massive weapons are slow but devastating in the right hands, allowing players to deal maximum damage to their enemies. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring, providing you with details on their locations and how to obtain them.
What Are Colossal Swords in Elden Ring?
Colossal Swords are a specific type of weapon found in Elden Ring. They are massive swords that are often taller than the player and can deal significant damage to enemies. Similar to Ultra Greatswords in the Souls series, mastering Colossal Swords in Elden Ring requires patience and skill, as they have a slower swing speed than other weapons. However, their size and power make them a formidable weapon in the hands of an experienced player.
Best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring: Locations, How to Get Them
Without further ado, here are the best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring and how to acquire them:
#1 Zweihander
Location: Available for purchase from the Isolated Merchant for 3,500 Runes.

Weapon Skill: Stamp (Upward Cut)
#2 Greatsword
Location: Found in the back of the carriage inside the Dragonbarrow, northwest of the Caelem Ruins site of the Grace. Be wary of the dogs guarding the chest.

Weapon Skill: Stamp (Upward Cut)
#3 Watchdog’s Greatsword
Location: Earned as a drop reward by defeating Sword-wielding Watchdogs at multiple locations, including the Giant Mountaintop Catacombs, Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave, and the Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs.

Weapon Skill: Stamp (Upward Cut)
#4 Troll’s Golden Sword
Location: Found inside a chest in the carriage to the east of the Erdtree-Gazing-Hill Site of the Grace.

Weapon Skill: Troll’s Roar
#5 Troll’s Knight Sword
Location: Obtained as a drop by defeating the Troll Knight at Caria Manor or the Four Belfries. Alternatively, defeat the spectral form of two Troll Knights at the Four Belfries to obtain this Colossal Sword.

Weapon Skill: Troll’s Roar
#6 Royal Greatsword
Location: Obtained by completing Ranni’s questline and defeating Blaidd at the end of the questline. It spawns in front of Ranni’s Rise Tower, along with Blaidd’s entire Armor set as a reward.

Weapon Skill: Wolf’s Assault
#7 Grafted Blade Greatsword
Location: Received as a reward drop after defeating Leonine Misbegotten, found at Castle Morne in Weeping Peninsula.

Weapon Skill: Oath of Vengeance
#8 Ruins Greatsword
Location: Obtained by defeating the duo of Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight at the Redmane Castle Plaza. This boss fight can only be accessed after defeating the Starscrouge Radahn and exhausting the dialogue with the Witch-Hunter Jerren. Alternatively, you can arrive at the Redmane Castle Plaza before the Radahn festival to access this boss fight.

Weapon Skill: Wave of Destruction
#9 Starscourge Greatsword
Location: Traded with Enia at the Roundtable Hold by exchanging Remembrance of the Starscrouge, which is obtained by defeating the Starscrouge Radahn.

Weapon Skill: Starcaller Cry
#10 Godslayer’s Greatsword

Location: Found at the Divine Tower of Caelid. After defeating the Godskin Apostle, the Godslayer’s Greatsword can be found in a chest behind the boss arena.
Weapon Skill: The Queen’s Black Flame
#11 Maliketh’s Black Blade

Location: Traded with Enia at the Roundtable Hold by exchanging Remembrance of the Black Blade, which is obtained by defeating Maliketh, the Black Blade. Check out our guide on how to duplicate remembrances to get both the Black Blade incantation and the Remembrance of the Black Blade.
Weapon Skill: Destined Death
And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to the best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring and where to find them. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran of the Souls series or a newcomer to the world of Elden Ring, mastering these powerful weapons can make all the difference in your battles. With patience and practice, you too can become a master of the Colossal Swords.
Thank you for reading, and we hope this guide has been helpful. Don’t forget to check out our other guides for more tips and tricks on Elden Ring!
Q: What are Colossal Swords in Elden Ring?
A: Colossal Swords are massive swords that are often taller than the player and deal significant damage to enemies. They are a specific type of weapon found in Elden Ring.
Q: What are the best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring?
A: The best Colossal Swords in Elden Ring are Zweihander, Greatsword, Watchdog’s Greatsword, Troll’s Golden Sword, Troll’s Knight Sword, Royal Greatsword, Grafted Blade Greatsword, Ruins Greatsword, Starscourge Greatsword, Godslayer’s Greatsword, and Maliketh’s Black Blade.
Q: Where can I find the Zweihander in Elden Ring?
A: The Zweihander can be purchased from the Isolated Merchant for 3,500 Runes.
Q: How can I get the Watchdog’s Greatsword in Elden Ring?
A: The Watchdog’s Greatsword can be earned as a drop reward by defeating Sword-wielding Watchdogs at multiple locations, including the Giant Mountaintop Catacombs, Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave, and the Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs.
Q: What is the location of the Royal Greatsword in Elden Ring?
A: The Royal Greatsword can be obtained by completing Ranni’s questline and defeating Blaidd at the end of the questline. It spawns in front of Ranni’s Rise Tower, along with Blaidd’s entire Armor set as a reward.
Q: Are Colossal Swords slow in Elden Ring?
A: Yes, Colossal Swords in Elden Ring have a slower swing speed than other weapons, but their size and power make them a formidable weapon in the hands of an experienced player.
Q: What is the weapon skill of the Grafted Blade Greatsword in Elden Ring?
A: The weapon skill of the Grafted Blade Greatsword in Elden Ring is Oath of Vengeance.
Q: How can I get Maliketh’s Black Blade in Elden Ring?
A: The Maliketh’s Black Blade can be obtained by trading the Remembrance of the Black Blade with Enia at the Roundtable Hold. You need to defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade, to get this Remembrance.
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