Ben Simmons’ Season with Brooklyn Nets has ended

Ben Simmons’ Season with Brooklyn Nets has ended

Ben Simmons’ Season with Brooklyn Nets has ended

Ben Simmons' Season with Brooklyn Nets has ended

In the current NBA season, Ben Simmons from Brooklyn Nets, won’t be playing anymore. This was Simmon’s first season with the Nets.

On Tuesday, the head coach of the Nets, Jacque Vaughn announced that Simmons won’t be participating in upcoming matches due to his lingering back issue.

In the total of 75 games the Nets have played, Simmons’ has missed 17 games and was absent for a total of 33 games.

Even though it’s sad, it’s not a surprise that Simmons’ season is ending, in fact, Vaughn had already told reporters that he wasn’t expecting Simmons to play again this season. According to the announcement from Nets, Simmons is currently dealing with nerve impingement. It is a kind of condition where tissue or bone compresses nerve fibers.

“For me as a coach, there are some things that I can control, some things that I can’t control,” Vaughn said on Saturday. “What I can’t control is the impingement. What I can control is getting this group ready to play. And then in all honesty, the realism that he’s probably not going to join us for the rest of the year … certainty will come once he continues to be looked at by specialists.”

Last Friday Nets also announced that they will be keeping Simmons on the sidelines for a while longer until they decide the best choice for him and he undergoes proper treatment.

“We’re going to lean into the specialist and the consultation and I think those answers will come from the specialists,” Vaughn said then.

In the last season, Simmons was with Philadelphia and was later brought to the Nets in a trade that resulted in James Harden joining the 76ers. He also did,t play a single match in last season first due to his mental health issues and then a back injury. Considering that Simmons is a three-time All-Star, seeing him like this is sad. It also made a downfall in his numbers this season looking back at his career achievements.

His average is only 6.9 points, not a single 14.3 points below per game in any of the other four seasons in which he played, and 44% shooting from the foul line.

For the current season, Simmons is making $35.4 million and is due $78.2 million more over the next two seasons.

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