Arrest Warrant Out For Former Ohio State Linebreaker Darron Lee

Ex-Ohio State Linebreaker Darron Lee is facing another serious legal issue.
Former NFL Darron Lee was summoned to the court regarding his older case where he was allegedly accused of domestic violence against two women. Reportedly Darron failed to attend the court and the judge issued an arrest warrant against him.
The incident happened in April when Former Ohio Football player Darron struck a woman in the head multiple times. According to Lee’s statement, he gave to the police that the woman came to him first and attacked him in his Dublin house before he take back the statement and change the narrative multiple times.
The woman Lee attacked is also the mother of his 2-year-old son his girlfriend Lindsay McGlone and his mother Candice Lee. Lindsay was the one who called the Ohio state police and Candice as she was not feeling safe.
Lee’s mother Candice reached first and saw Darron sitting on top of Lindsay with a raised fist. When she tried to stop Lee he shoved her mom to the wall, knocked her to the ground, and punched her face.
Lindsay reported to the police she was punched 9 times in her face by Darron. Where Darron continually changed his statement-making from one story to another. And now disrespecting the court he is doubling his troubles.
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