Arizona Cardinals Made Big Decision On Kyler Murray For 2023 Season Captaincy

Arizona Cardinals Made Big Decision On Kyler Murray For 2023 Season Captaincy

Arizona Cardinals Made Big Decision On Kyler Murray For 2023 Season Captaincy

Arizona Cardinals announced their captain for the 2023 NFL season. The Cardinals finally made a decision on Kyler Murray and named him captain of the team.

The NFC West franchise named their quarterback and former no. 1 draft pick Kyler Murray as Arizona’s new captain.

For the last few months, Murray has been suffering from his leg injury. Due to his torn ACL injury, there was speculation that the Cardinal would go with Caleb William this year.

However, the new hiring coaching staff has their full support for Murray until he fully recovers from his injury. Arizona does not have a reputed position in the NFL league.

Despite their position in the NFL, they are counting on Kyler to make a move this year.

It would be interesting to watch the Cardinals with their No. 1 pick Kyler Murray this year.

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