Apex Legends Cross-Progression Update

Apex Legends Cross-Progression Update

Apex Legends Cross-Progression Update

Apex Legends Cross-Progression Update

In today’s age of numerous gaming platforms and consoles, cross-progression holds significant importance. With this feature, gamers can seamlessly switch between platforms and carry forward their progress from one platform to another. As an illustration, consider a scenario where a gamer plays Apex Legends on both PC and Xbox and earns a character cosmetic on PC. With the help of cross-progression, the gamer would be able to access the same cosmetic on both platforms. Cross-progression has been a highly discussed topic within the Apex community. Apex Legends is playable on multiple platforms including PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch, and also allows cross-platform play, enabling players to team up with others on different platforms.

Although cross-progression was not initially available when the game was launched, it has been a few years since then and gamers who frequently use more than one platform are eager to know if the feature will ever be added to Apex.

Does Apex Legends support Cross-Progression?

Apex Legends Cross-Progression

Even though Apex has expressed its backing for cross-platform play, cross-progression has not been put into action yet. This indicates that your progress, cosmetics, and accomplishments will remain segregated on each platform if you play on multiple platforms. At present, there is no option available to unify or merge accounts to access all of your possessions in one location.

However, cross-progression for the game is still a possibility. According to reports, Respawn Entertainment, the developer of Apex, has been developing this feature for some time. However, the company has allegedly been hindered by hacks and other more pressing concerns. Addressing those concerns has become a top priority, leading to features such as cross-progression being deprioritized for the time being. Nevertheless, Respawn Entertainment has not disregarded the concept of cross-progression entirely.

In a Twitch video, the Director of Apex Games ‘Chad Grenier’ said, “We are working on cross-progression that will allow people to carry over purchases, skins, and account progress”. Adding to his statement, “It will probably be a little while longer, but eventually, we’ll have that.”, he said.

Recent Updates on Cross-Progression

In a recent interview on February 7, 2023, Steven Ferreira, the current game director of Apex Legends, confirmed Respawn Entertainment’s commitment to cross-progression and emphasized the company’s desire for a seamless launch of the much-awaited feature. Ferreira stated that “We’re definitely excited about cross-progression coming. It was trickier than expected, and we want to make sure it’s ready. Also, because you only get one crack at rolling something like this out.”

However, despite this new information, Ferreira did not provide a definitive release date for cross-progression. Currently, Apex Legends does not have cross-progression available for any platform, but it is expected to arrive in the future.

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