All Starter Pokemon of Every Generation in Pokemon Go

The initial Pokemon that have appeared in all Pokemon games are among the most instantly recognizable creatures in the entire franchise. Across generations, many of the starter Pokemon have become beloved and sought-after additions to fans’ Pokedexes. Despite their eventual evolution into more powerful forms, these starters retain a special significance for trainers as they journey through the games.
In this article, we will be discussing and analyzing each and every starter Pokemon that has been introduced in the Pokemon franchise across all generations, including the most recent additions from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Generation 1 Initial Pokemon

Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander are the original trio of starter Pokemon that kicked off the Pokemon franchise. These three creatures are among the most beloved and well-known in the series. Many players faced a tough decision in choosing which of these three to begin their journey with through the Kanto region. Today, they continue to be an integral part of the franchise and are often included in various Pokemon games.
It’s worth noting that Pikachu was also a starter Pokemon in Generation 1, specifically in the game Pokemon Yellow, which was released after the original games of Red, Blue, and Green. In this game, Pikachu was the only starter option, offering a unique experience for players who wanted to embark on a journey with the popular electric mouse.
Generation 2 Initial Pokemon

Although the second trio of Pokemon starters may not be as widely recognized as the first, they are still considered a well-designed group of Pokemon. Many fans of the series have a soft spot for Totodile or Cyndaquil due to their powerful final evolutions, but all three starters – Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile – have their own unique charms that make them beloved by a significant portion of the Pokemon community.
Generation 3 Initial Pokemon

With Generation 3 of Pokemon, the franchise underwent significant changes, including improvements in graphics and an expanded Pokedex. The Hoenn region, in particular, was known for featuring arguably the strongest set of starters to date: Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic. All three of these Pokemon were well-received by fans, as each one was viable throughout their evolutions. However, Torchic and Mudkip have generally considered the better starters due to their diverse move sets and final type combinations, which made them particularly appealing choices for trainers.
Generation 4 Initial Pokemon

Generation 4, set in the region of Sinnoh, is widely regarded as one of the most beloved among longtime fans of the Pokemon franchise. This region introduced a fantastic lineup of new Pokemon, an engaging story, varied weather elements on the map, and an excellent trio of starters. Each starter was adored by fans for its cute designs, making the decision of which one to choose all the more difficult. Ultimately, all three – Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup – were well-received by the community, with no clear favorite emerging.
Generation 5 Initial Pokemon

Generation 5 marked a turning point for the starter Pokemon. Some fans were growing weary of the Fire starters, especially given that the previous few generations had all featured Fire/Fighting type starters. As a result, some fans didn’t take kindly to Tepig and its final evolution, Emboar, which also had the Fire/Fighting typing. Additionally, the designs of the starters as a whole failed to resonate with fans, resulting in a generally forgettable trio in comparison to other generations.
Generation 6 Initial Pokemon

Generation 6 was a divisive entry in terms of the starter Pokemon. While Froakie was widely adored and is still considered one of the most popular starters ever, Fennekin and its final evolution, Delphox, were not as well-received. Many fans were disappointed with yet another bipedal Firestarter, and Delphox failed to capture the hearts of most players. Meanwhile, Chespin largely fell to the wayside due to Froakie’s immense popularity. Ultimately, Froakie’s evolution into Greninja saved the day, securing its place as one of the top-five starters in the eyes of many fans.
Generation 7 Initial Pokemon

The starter Pokemon from Generation 7 – Rowlet, Popplio, and Litten – had a mixed reception from fans. While some players loved them, others didn’t find them particularly interesting. In terms of their designs, the trio seemed fairly straightforward, with Rowlet resembling an owl, Popplio a seal, and Litten a cat. There wasn’t a lot of innovation on display, with the exception of Rowlet’s bowtie. Overall, it could be argued that Pokemon Sun and Moon played it safe with their starter choices.
The Let’s Go games, which were released prior to Sword and Shield and marked the tail-end of Gen 7, are often overlooked. While they weren’t as well-received as some of the other Pokemon titles, they did introduce a new style of gameplay. In these games, Eevee made its debut as a starter, while Pikachu returned for a second time.
Generation 8 Initial Pokemon

Generation 8 introduced the latest starters in the main series Pokemon game, namely Grookey, Sobble, and Scorbunny, which were generally well-received by most fans. These starters were designed with a certain level of originality. However, when it came to their final evolution typings, the developers chose to avoid adding any secondary typing to them. The reception of this decision varies among different people, but overall, the Generation 8 starters were considered to be a positive step forward.
The release of Pokemon: Legends Arceus marked a significant departure from the traditional gameplay loop that fans had grown accustomed to. The game introduced an open-world format and a novel method of capturing and battling Pokemon, while also allowing players to embark on missions on their own. In terms of the starter Pokemon for this game, there was a mix of generations, with Cyndaquil, Oshawott, and Rowlet all making an appearance.
Generation 9 Initial Pokemon

The latest generation of Pokemon has been unveiled, along with its starters, in Scarlet and Violet. Earlier this year, Pokemon released images and names of the starters, which were instantly adored by fans. The Grass-type cat Pokemon, Sprigatito, seemed to be the most popular among them, but the Fire-type dinosaur and Water-type duck with a hat also have their own fan base. However, it remains to be seen how these starters will be received once Scarlet and Violet are launched in November.
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