A Mexican Weather Girl Going Viral With More Than 15 Million Followers

A Mexican Weather Girl Going Viral With More Than 15 Million Followers

A Mexican Weather Girl Going Viral With More Than 15 Million Followers

Can you believe someone who delivers Weather reports to have 15 million followers? But it’s true, the recent Mexican girl who is going viral is a Weather reporter and has more social media followers even than most celebrities in the world. 

The name of the girl in question is Yanet Garcia who is a television presence and has more than 15 million followers on her Instagram and that number is growing.  

Other than her T.V. career, she’s also a famous social media influencer, and her account is filled with a lot of her racy posts and videos. 

Garcia has been updating fans on some of her segments.

The first time when she went viral was a few years ago for one of her forecast clips. Since then, her followers have been increasing continuously and now she’s one of the most followed personalities ever. 

Garcia is sure to increase her fan base in the years to come, as well.

If Garcia wants to choose a different career other than the Weather reporter then she easily can and will be a successful model. But whether she does or not is still a question.  

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