A Guy Wearing Aaron Murray Jersey asksed him Who he was

A Guy Wearing Aaron Murray Jersey Asked him Who he was

A Guy Wearing Aaron Murray Jersey Asked him Who he was

A Guy Wearing Aaron Murray Jersey Asked him Who he was
Credit: Google

Aaron Murray, a famous NFL QB is well-known in the sports world, but still, there might be some people who don’t know what he looks like and there is nothing wrong with that after all he is a famous personality and it’s so tough to see him in person. 

But when you are wearing his Jersey, and still don’t recognize him, then it’s the concern of some issue. Something like this happened this week. In a recent live performance in Nashville, a guy who performing while wearing Murray’s Jersey. He might not have expected Murry to attend his concert, but Expectdely Aaron was there and worst, the guy asked him who he was. Pretty hilarious isn’t it?

At that time Murry said in the mice while teasing the guy “You’re wearing my jersey.” this was a shock for the guy who asked the question as everyone could see him stunned on the stage.

To his credit, Aaron Murray took the incident in stride.

“I guess I’m just getting that old,” Murray tweeted on Wednesday.

“Hahahaha DAAAMN! I hate it when that happens!” one user replied.

“Hilarious. Way to take it in stride. Just remember… us #oldheads will always know who you are,” wrote another.

“So funny! The kids just don’t know,” a third wrote.

This was both a funny and hilarious moment to watch. 

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