3-Word Message From Colin Kaepernick’s Girlfriend For NFL

3-Word Message From Colin Kaepernick’s Girlfriend For NFL

3-Word Message From Colin Kaepernick’s Girlfriend For NFL

Colin Kaepernick, who is an American civil rights activist is still trying to make his way in the NFL and had done so much already. He even practiced with some NFL wide receivers to improve his skills and get selected for a team. 

The last time he played in NFL, it was in 2016 when he kneeled for the national anthem. Even though he’s trying so hard, he still hasn’t managed to get in. 

Following all his struggle, Colin Kaepernick’s Girlfriend, Nessa gave a three-word message for NFL. 


It’s nice to see Kaepernick exercising with NFL players, even though a return to the game is very unlikely.

Kaepernick, who used to play in the NFL, hasn’t been on the field for over five years, and he’s also getting older.

Yet, he’s clearly still keen on playing again, even if it’s seen as very unlikely. It’s worth admiring his girlfriend, Nessa, for standing by him with so much support.

“#STILLWITHKAP,” she wrote.

What do you think, will he be able to get into an NFL team?  

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